Conferences and seminars presented on this Web site

Diffuse Einträge in das Grundwasser:
Monitoring - Modellierung - Management

Landwirtschaft und Wasserwirtschaft im Fokus
zu erwartender Herausforderungen

Diffuse inputs into the groundwater:
Monitoring - Modelling - Management

Agriculture and water management in the light of
future challenges

January 29 to 31, 2007 in Graz
--> to the conference homepage (English/German)

Wasserkreislaufparameter (Parameters of the water cycle)

March 31 to April 1, 2008
Schloss Seggau/Leibnitz
--> to the seminar homepage (German)
Numerische GrundWasserModellierung:
komplexe Anwendung,

June 24 - 25, 2008 in Graz
--> to the conference homepage (German)
last update: November 20, 2007